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JWM CPA & Company P.C.


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Calculators > Cash Flow

It is prudent planning to have at least three to six months of liquid/cash assets set aside in the event of a loss of job, medical emergency, short-term disability, etc.
When you receive some extra money it may be difficult to determine whether you should invest the funds or use them to retire debt. Financial theory recommends that if your after-tax return on investments is greater than your after-tax cost of debt then you should invest.
You have worked hard to accumulate your savings. Use this calculator to determine how long those funds will last given regular withdrawals.
A working spouse can provide additional needed household income. However, when making your decision, you need to look at the net income generated by a working spouse not simply the gross income. Factors such as health insurance savings, increased daycare expenses, additional transportation costs, etc. need to be considered.
In order to get where you want to go, you need to know where you are. You can get a view of your financial position by generating a personal net worth statement.